Book on Alfred Russell Wallace

In 2020, Camila worked with Professor Felipe Guhl (Universidad de los Andes), to illustrate the book "En Busca del Origen. Las expediciones de Alfred Russel Wallace en la Amazonia (1848-1852)", on the travels and discoveries of Alfred Russell Wallace in South America, and tropical Asia. Above, two bird species first described by Wallace: the Guianan Cock of the Rock (Rupicola rupicola), and the Amazonian umbrellabird (Cephalopterus ornatus). Below, the maps of Río Negro and Río Vaupés done by Wallace, with the localities at which he first described the 19 illustrated primate species. Also, a map showing Wallace's line in tropical Asia, showing the unequal distribution of fauna in the Northwestern (Asian origin) and Southeastern (Australian origin) islands.

Red-faced spider monkey

Bald uakari

Wallace's line in tropical Asia, showing the unequal distribution of fauna in the Northwestern (Asian origin) and Southeastern (Australian origin) islands.